Hello Guyzz! :)
Well guess whats new? I've got something very interesting for those of you who like video games. So we're usually used to games with wires and buttons, through which we operate right? Like the Game-boy and the PS1 And the PS2....Others such as Nintendo Ds also are available but aint the screen too small? Gaming us now advanced! We have got the "Wii" And the "PlayStation Move"....So now we talk about the Nintendo Wii.... It is a video game in which you don't just sit in a place and get your fingers sore on pressing little butons but indeed it comes with a wireless motion detecting remote control! It's all very well being able to locate the controller in space, but what about movement around the controllers axis? Adding gyroscopic sensors to a controller adds another three dimensions of movement detection.A basic version to this same technology is used in mobile phones to change image from portrait to landscape form. iPhone being a perfect example of this technology further explains what it actually is! Most of us already know what the Wii is , therefore i will not go into detail about how we play the Wii or how fun it is , instead im going to tell you how it works :) Gyroscopes are an ideal way to detect motion about a central axis- the orientation of a spinning or vibrating gyroscope attached to a low-friction mount that remins the same regardless of any surface if which the movement in the surface is attached.

lets you exercise and relax your muscles
Enjoy yourslef!.
Well guess whats new? I've got something very interesting for those of you who like video games. So we're usually used to games with wires and buttons, through which we operate right? Like the Game-boy and the PS1 And the PS2....Others such as Nintendo Ds also are available but aint the screen too small? Gaming us now advanced! We have got the "Wii" And the "PlayStation Move"....So now we talk about the Nintendo Wii.... It is a video game in which you don't just sit in a place and get your fingers sore on pressing little butons but indeed it comes with a wireless motion detecting remote control! It's all very well being able to locate the controller in space, but what about movement around the controllers axis? Adding gyroscopic sensors to a controller adds another three dimensions of movement detection.A basic version to this same technology is used in mobile phones to change image from portrait to landscape form. iPhone being a perfect example of this technology further explains what it actually is! Most of us already know what the Wii is , therefore i will not go into detail about how we play the Wii or how fun it is , instead im going to tell you how it works :) Gyroscopes are an ideal way to detect motion about a central axis- the orientation of a spinning or vibrating gyroscope attached to a low-friction mount that remins the same regardless of any surface if which the movement in the surface is attached.